The aim of the course is for teachers to experience through their own experiences creative uses of fairy tales in the areas of talent management and personal development. The course will introduce inspiring work with fairy tales to develop creative thinking, sensory-based education, social skills and language competence, creating magical lessons.
The course will showcase inspiring work with fairy tales to develop creative thinking, sensory-based education, social skills and language competence, creating magical lessons.
Through this fabulous programme, we will explore the realms of creative thinking, language skills, vocabulary building and text comprehension, social skills and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, the essence of resilience, while also using invisible work to boost children’s confidence and develop their self-expression. In all cases, working with stories is a way of developing emotional intelligence, promoting body awareness, self-image and self-awareness, and reducing anxiety, all in a sustainable way.
The one-week theoretical and practical training programme will showcase an innovative application of talent management. It aims to enchant and develop children through sensory-based education and the world of storytelling, supporting each other and going beyond the boundaries of frontal education. This course is suitable for the development of children in lower and upper primary school.
During the course, the participant will be introduced to a variety of fairy tale challenges and ideas using other techniques and methods: the cooperative method, drama games, songs, chants and musical instruments, all of which will enrich and deepen the impact of the method.
The interactive course encourages teachers’ participation in workshops and group work. As a conclusion to the course, you are invited to develop your own personal development plan and implement what you would like to try in your own classroom.
Aims and objectives
The aim of the course is for teachers to experience through their own experiences creative uses of fairy tales in the areas of talent management and personal development.
Learning outcomes
Appropriate use of fairy tales in talent management.

Target groups:
Early childhood teacher, teacher, teacher in lower or upper primary school.
Minimum level of language: English, B1/B2
Duration of training: 30 lessons, 6 days
Trainer: Luca Nagy
Location: Málta/Malta
Dates: 05-10 May 2025
Price: EUR 515, incl. course, certificate, Erasmus+ documentation (if needed), a cultural activity
Applicable funds: As part of the Erasmus+ Key Action 1 (KA1), all costs for mobility /travel expenses, course fees, accommodation, subsistence fee/ are covered by the fund.

Luca Nagy
Teacher, Story Therapist, Coach, Mediator, Mentor
Luca Nagy is a teacher, creative-developmental metamorphoses story therapist, life coach, mediator, and fabulous self-knowledge mentor.
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