Tanártovábbképzés külföldön - pályázattal

Teaching Profession and Talent Management




Ramóna Katalin Szász has been in the Teaching profession for almost 20 years. Starting in 2004 at London University, she soon specialized in Talent Management, cooperating with the National Talent Program.

She believes in joyful learning, that teaching and learning best takes place in an accepting and welcoming environment, through meaningful activities and experiential learning. In order to achieve that, she studied Humanistic/Person-Centred Psychology and became the missionary of the Rogerian (Carl R. Rogers’) Teaching and Coaching.

During her career, she has been teaching in Public Schools, Vocational High Schools and Óbuda University in Budapest. She has written language learning booklets in two languages, and translated several books to and from English. In the last 7 years she has been working as a Corporate Trainer teaching Business Studies and Successful Communication to Business people at Multinational Companies, National Authorities, Financial Institutions etc. both online and offline. 

As a Business and Team Coach in her Consultancy Company, she is supporting professionals in overcoming challenges and activating their inner resources to achieve a more successful life. 


The trainer's teacher training courses in 2024:


A 21. századi tanár – diákközpontú oktatás Carl R. Rogers alapelveivel az oktatásban

Vezetés a 21. században
Asszertív kommunikáció – Hogyan kommunikáljunk hatékonyan és erőteljesen, és legyünk győztesek
Tanári jóllét (Well-being): tanártámogató tréning, coaching és mentorálás a modern kihívások leküzdésére

The trainer's teacher training courses in 2025:


Tanulói autonómia – Az önállóság fejlesztése a nyelvtanulásban
Learner autonomy: developing independence in acquiring a language
A 21. századi tanár – diákközpontú oktatás Carl R. Rogers alapelveivel az oktatásban

Vezetés a 21. században
Asszertív kommunikáció – Hogyan kommunikáljunk hatékonyan és erőteljesen, és legyünk győztesek
Assertive communication - How to communicate effectively and powerfully and be victorious
Tanári jóllét (Well-being): tanártámogató tréning, coaching és mentorálás a modern kihívások leküzdésére
Teacher well-being: Teacher supporting training, coaching and mentoring for successfully beating challenges of today’s learning environment