Tanártovábbképzés külföldön - pályázattal

Teacher, teacher trainer, author




Tibor Prievara is a teacher, teacher trainer of more than 20 years of practice in public education and teacher training. He is the author of several publications on gamification (The 21st century teacher, or The 21st century school) as well as course books in English for Hungarian students.

He has received several national awards in Hungary for the groundbreaking work he has undertaken in order to find new ways of preparing the public educational system for the challenges of the 21st century. Ha has also created his own digital application for gamification that has been used by 150 000 students and teachers in Hungary. Having been the first teacher to design a gamified system of feedback and assessment more than 12 years ago, he has immense experience and data on how gamification might best apply to meet the needs of individual educators - regardless of what language they are teaching in or what subject is being taught. 

The trainer's teacher training courses in Rovinj, 2025:

Gamification and 21st centre skills

Játékosítás és 21. századi készségek