Tanártovábbképzés külföldön - pályázattal

Elemek megjelenítése címkék szerint: GBL

Tanári pályafutásom során először vettem részt Erasmus + továbbképzésen, mely hatalmas szakmai, illetve személyes inspirációt és feltöltődést jelentett számomra.

A hét napos kurzus első alkalma ismerkedéssel telt, ahol már bevezetésre kerültek olyan – főként - drámajátékok, amelyek amúgy is a képzés tananyagának részei. A kurzusvezetőnk az első pillanattól kezdve igyekezett velünk is úgy dolgozni és azokat az alapokat, alapelveket lefektetni a csoportunkban, amelyeket elsajátítva mi, pedagógusok is elfogadó, biztonságos közeget tudunk kialakítani, ahol a diák bízik társaiban, a tanárában és saját magában is. 

A kurzusvezetőnk szakmai felkészültsége, energikus, mindig pozitív, bátorító személyisége és a jól felépített tanagyag és napi időbeosztás segítette, hogy könnyen egymásra hangolódjunk. A sajátélményű tanulás során fejlődött tudásunk, illetve személyes és szakmai komptenciáink, megtapasztaltuk a játékok, a játékosítás és a játék alapú tanulás előnyeit, esetleges nehézségeit. Megismerhettük a tanárok és a diákok oldalát is, milyen bevonódni egy feladatba, milyen kilépni a komfortzónánkból, csapatban dolgozni, feloldódni egy ismeretlen közegben, addig nem ismert, idegen tevékenységekben.

A képzést még különlegesebbé tette, hogy a hét közepén csapatépítő kiránduláson vettünk részt, ami nagyon sokat hozzátett a kultúra és a helyi gasztronómia megismeréséhez. A csoporttársainkkal még jobban megismerkedhettünk, nem csak szakmai diskurzusokra, hanem személyesebb beszélgetésekre is volt időnk, ami pozitív hatással volt, az amúgy is jó hangulatú képzés hátralevő napjaiban végzett közös munkájára.

A kurzuson folyamatosan haladtunk az egyszerűbb feladatoktól az összetettebb, több ismeretanyagot igénylő munkafolyamatok felé. A jégtörő és drámajátékok után felfedeztük a mesterséges intelligencia nyújtotta lehetőségeket, különböző témákat dolgoztunk fel a Chat GPT segítségével. Használtuk a Plickers nevű alkalmazást, ami a Kahoot kvízhez hasonlóan működve méri fel a diákok tudását. Előnye azonban, hogy csak a pedagógusnak kell okoseszközzel rendelkeznie, annak kamerájával scanneli be a diákok qr-kódhoz hasonló válasz-ábrái. A tanár azonnal látja ki adott helyes választ, illetve adott esetben a végeredményt is elrejtheti a diákok elől, segítve ezzel az anonimitást. 

Csapatokban fejlesztettünk társasjátékokat, melyek alkalmasak egy-egy tananyag feldolgozására. Ezeket az utolsó napokban teszteltük és megbeszéltük a továbblépési lehetőségeket. Hatalmas élmény volt másokkal együtt dolgozva, a különböző ismereteinket összegyúrva ötletelni, közösen alkotni, és a próbakörök során újabb és újabb részleteket kidolgozva terméket fejleszteni.

A hét során megismert játékokat, online felületeket felhasználva mindannyiunknak lehetősége volt a saját tantárgyához kapcsolódó óratervet készíteni, melyet be is mutathattunk egymásnak. Láthattuk, hogy milyen sokféleképpen épülhetnek be egy tanórába, vagy szabadidős tevékenységbe a játékosítás és a játék alapú tanulás módszerei.

Dezső Ilona
Budapesti Fazekas Mihály Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium

Kategória: Spanyol nyelvterület

Between 15th to 20thof August 2022, I participated in a training course offered by Europass Teacher Academy in Barcelona, ​​Spain supported by Erasmus+. On the first day, we met each other along with our Irish trainer, Matt Johnston, and every participant had the chance to present about themselves, their school and country in any format that they had prepared. The participants were from different countries including Bulgaria, Poland, Romania, Germany and Hungary adding up to 12 individuals altogether which was the maximum number of a group to have. We were reminded about a tour that was included in our mobility experience offered by the institution which was going to be on Wednesday and also we were given a list of tourist sites which we were entitled to pick one and receive a voucher for our choice. As the title of the course makes it clear, Matt made sure that every one of us likes to play games or at least had played in his lifetime, so he asked us to list what digital games we had played up until now. He introduced to us Plickers and demonstrated how it can be used for in class activities which I found quite cool. On the second day, he introduced us to some games that I am not sure if they can be useful in a class atmosphere like Osmos, This was of mine, Life after, Alice is missing; however, Minecraft was more focused on being a more useful game for teaching since it also includes some subject specific lesson plans. On day 3, we tried another game called Spaceteam where you need to order things and at the same time you have to listen to others. It was quite challenging to play this game since it requires you to be a good listener and also to have a leading personality. He explained the difference between gamification, which we did all our lives consciously or unconsciously, and game-based learning. Alternate reality games were later introduced, like World without oil, I love bees, Perplex city, Cloverfield and De profundis where students are given tasks to write a letter to another person which is happening in a specific time in history. Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4th which we did all our lives consciously or unconsciously, and game-based learning. Alternate reality games were later introduced, like World without oil, I love bees, Perplex city, Cloverfield and De profundis where students are given tasks to write a letter to another person which is happening in a specific time in history. Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4th which we did all our lives consciously or unconsciously, and game-based learning. Alternate reality games were later introduced, like World without oil, I love bees, Perplex city, Cloverfield and De profundis where students are given tasks to write a letter to another person which is happening in a specific time in history. Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4th I love bees, Perplex city, Cloverfield and De profundis where students are given tasks to write a letter to another person which is happening in a specific time in history. Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4th I love bees, Perplex city, Cloverfield and De profundis where students are given tasks to write a letter to another person which is happening in a specific time in history. Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4th Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4th Micro bit was another tech gadget that we experimented with which allows someone to start programming even with no knowledge in that field what so ever. This can be useful in IT classes or students who are involved in robotics. Many other resources were shared with us like, Sheppard software, PBS Kids Games, National Geographic Kids, Funbrain and others. The most interesting day for me was definitely the 4thth one since we got the chance to try VR goggles and were also introduced to AR. This part I found quite beneficial for my teaching since this technology allows students to have fun and at the same time study without realizing. However, the cost of such gadgets are quite high if you want to get the high quality ones. The last day, we were shown how 3D scanning apps work like Merge and Object viewer which can make the learning process more enjoyable for students. We were given a task also on this day to prepare a presentation showing how we plan to use what we learned in our classrooms. Finally, we received our well-deserved certificates and took a group photo as a nice memory. I thank all who made this experience possible.

This mobility was funded by the European Commission.

The information presented here does not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission.

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